COPE (Connection Opportunities for People in Europe)
On the 14th of June 2018 Europejskie Forum Młodzieży (EFM) organized dissemination event of the project: Connection Opportunities for People in Europe (COPE) which took place in Kłodzko Region. In the event participated youngsters from Poland and abroad.

The purpose of this project is to connect Young People in Europe with the aim of increasing their social inclusion, promoting EU values and social dialogue, understanding diversity and equality, inter-cultural activities.
As intellectual output of the project the training platform was created:
This platform encourages youth to support their peers in need, through voluntarism, learning exchanges and fight against long-term work/training inactivity. This project will also help to increase basic skills related how to prepare CV, auto presentation, time management, budget management, problem solving (for example discrimination, etc.) through simplified training modules. On completion of the training modules, youngsters will be able to obtain a certificate subject to them answering and passing all the quizzes for the training modules.
The training platform also includes modules which will help to understand essence and function of the European Union (EU), and tools to search for mobility programs in which young people of all ages can participate.
If you want to find out, how to prepare for mobility, what documents should be obtained before leaving, what to pay particular attention to, how to use the experience gained in building a career path and many other things …. click on the link above and register on the platform.
The project was prepared by CCW from Great Britain, CESIE from Italy, Adice from France, Sophie Delebarre Conseil from France and Europejskie Forum Młodzieży (EFM) from Poland.
The project team wishes you a successful reading and many unforgettable experiences during mobility projects!
For more information and updates on COPE, subscribe our newsletter or contact with us.