On the 4th and 5th of July 2017, COPE partners met in Roubaix for the 4th international COPE meeting.
Almost one year after our first meeting, it was now time for ADICE to host all the partners in one more COPE meeting. First of all, a reminder that COPE is a project developed by CCW from Cardiff (UK) as project coordinator, ADICE & SophieDelebarre Conseil from Roubaix and Lille (France), CESIE from Palermo (Italy) and EFM (Poland). As a project, COPE aims to:
- Connect young people across Europe with the aim of increasing social inclusion, promoting EU values, diversity, acceptance and inter-cultural dialogue;
- Encourage youth to support their peers through altruism and learning exchanges.
- Fight against long-term unemployment/training inactivity;
- Encourage underpriviliged youth to gain basic skills through simplified training and peer learning;
- Connect young people with fewer opportunities with job centres and inform them about European job support and initiatives;
- Make Erasmus+ accessible to everyone and motivate young people with fewer opportunities to take part in a mobility project with the aim of;
- Increasing young people with fewer opportunities to learn employability and social skills;
- Ease young people’s fears related to mobility through guidance, support and training.
All of our partners have been working with Online training materials in order to enhance soft skills and support acquisition (documents, links that people can use to prepare themselves before departure), so now was the time to put it all together and evaluate the whole content. By the second day, we went through the IO4, the next technology platform to work on. Furthermore, we also had the chance to meet with Youth Workers and, therefore, just as happened in the previous meetings, we were supported with their views, opinions, questions and insights.
Our next meeting will take place in November 2017 in Lille, France. To keep updated with all COPE news, check our website and social media pages. A new digital tool is being created for young people eager to know more about their own possibilities so, don’t miss it!
Meanwhile, get to know better all the partners of the consortium by visiting their webpages below.